- Hurt neck SAT w/ yardwork. Slow SUN. Waiting for Eagles/Dallas. Norton Internet Security install holding my PC hostage for the past 4+ hrs. #
- Bummed that Eagles sloppy play cost them chance for sole possession of 1st. Watched Dexter & Mad Men later, made up for the birds mess. #
- Been feeling under the weather lately, but you can't call in sick when you're self-employed. Slogging my way thru client web updates today. #
- @RayGarton Problem is, I can't think of anything I haven't heard before. in reply to RayGarton #
- The Dark Quest Books edition of SHIMMER is now listed on Amazon! #
- Wrapped up invoice preparation for multiple clients. Getting read for client web updates and client blogs, shopping cart, etc. #
- SAT I'll be signing my Wendy Ward story with a big group of authors at the Between Books 30th Anniversary Party for The Stories In Between. #
- Finished designing new postcard (front & back) for Dark Quest Books edition of SHIMMER #
- Free Amazon App Lets PC Users Read Kindle Books – Yahoo! News #
- Eagles lose 2 cornerbacks in one fell swoop: Ellis Hobbs to season-ending neck surgery, Joselio Hanson to 4 gm suspension. #
- PayPal users: How often does your biz come to a screeching halt because PP puts a transaction "under review" and locks it up? #
- @blindconfucius No text to speech at all? I hadn't heard anything. Was wondering about the "share" feature, which seems under fire. in reply to blindconfucius #
- Read my latest Passarella Author Newsletter. Book Signing Tomorrow & New SHIMMER edition: #
- Thanks to Shannon for the 5-star review of Bad-Ass Faeries 2, especially her high praise for my story #
- Special Deal for My Twitter Followers « Passarella Blog (FREE Wendy Ward eStory. Until Midnight ET) #
- At Between Books mega book signing today for The Stories In Between, 2-5pm, 2703 Phila Pike, Claymont DE 19703 302.798.3378 #
- Wow! There's a mob scene at the Between Books signing – in a good way. Stop on by before 5pm! http://myloc.me/1vkik #
- What a signing at Between Books today! We signed non-stop for 4 hrs. Think we had a 5-minute lull between 2-6pm. Biggest I've been part of. #
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