Buy SHIMMER (complete) on KINDLE Now

SHIMMER for Kindle

SHIMMER — in its entirety — is now eBook platform. (Other formats will follow. Even though the eSerial version of SHIMMER continues, you can get the entire novel now, no waiting… Well, waiting as long as it takes to complete a Kindle purchase and have the novel travel down the “Whispernet” to your device.

Now that the entire novel is becoming available for purchase on multiple eBook platforms (stay tuned for other releases), I am phasing out the oldest chapters of the serial on a weekly basis. At a rate of about nine chapters per week, the eSerial installments will disappear. You have been reading along each week, haven’t you?

eSerial status: Look for at least the first two chapters of Part Three this week!

UPDATE: Don’t have a KINDLE? No problem! Complete eBOOK available for sale in FIVE other eBOOK formats: PDF (Desktop & Tagged for reflow on mobile devices), Mobipocket, ePUB, and LRF, all through the at the same low price.

Thanks for reading!

-John Passarella

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About John

Bram Stoker Award-Winning author of Wither (co-authored), Wither's Rain, Wither's Legacy, Halloween: The Official Movie Novelization, Shimmer, Kindred Spirit, Exit Strategy & Others and many original media tie-in novels including Supernatural: Joyride, Supernatural: Night Terror, Grimm: The Chopping Block, etc.
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